Friday, July 23, 2010

4 Weeks in 4 Days, Now that's a Record!

I’m not sure how most women react when they are half naked, draped in a sheet, and shivering on the end of the examining table, waiting patiently for results. I’m obviously not most women. On the drive up to the doctor’s I was in an almost dreamlike state. I felt, well, funny. After the madness of the wedding I hadn’t really had time to stop and pay attention to my body or what it was doing. It was your usual, pee in a cup and wait here, we’ll be right back. I sat there for 35 minutes, nervous, shivering, mind racing, listening to inane elevator music. I didn’t know the test was a simple dip stick procedure! I could hear faint chattering, nurses shuffling back and fourth in the hallway outside. Finally someone knocked on the door. “Have they told you your results yet?” a nurse asked, amid giggling from the background. The insecure little girl inside me thought for sure they were laughing at me because I was knocked up! “No.” I replied. “She’ll be right in.” She said.

When the doctor finally emerged she confirmed what I had been suspecting with a plain, “Yes, you are pregnant.” Ignorantly I said, “nuh-uh!” Then something funny happened, I began laughing! I had just gotten married 4 days ago and here I was, pregnant already! The doctor told me I was 4 weeks along and gave me my due date, December 15th. I continued laughing all through my examination saying, “I can’t believe it!” After the laughter subsided I began to feel really special, and really, really glad I was married. This was scary enough as it was. When I told them I had just gotten married to boot, we all laughed and joked about what quick work it had been. As if I needed some sort of consoling the nurse joked, “As far as anyone knows it happened last weekend, honey! We’ll never tell!” Just in case you were wondering, I see a new doctor now.


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! I love seeing your pictures and reading your story!


  2. WOW, that is awesome, Bethany! Congrats!! I loved reading your story.

    xo Marcie
